Thursday 20 March 2014

Inter 1

The glass clinked gently against the ketchup bottle as the waitress scooped it up from the table, only a couple of ice cubes remained inside it now and they rattled around like a couple of dice.

Leon offered her a polite ‘thank you’ nod. After she left, the tall, sombre man resumed looking at his son as the youngster pawed over the half eaten burger on the plate in front of him. He rested his chin on his closed fist and quietly sighed.

“Come on Joey, please finish up.” He asked sympathetically.

The boy, thirteen years old with a scruff of thick black hair just like his Dad, had his eyes cast downwards at the plate with a half hearted tedium, and scraped the plate with the fork as he ignored his father’s command. He swirled the pool of ketchup around and traced out a long red line along the edge of the plate.

“I don’t need your mother thinking I don’t feed you properly.” The words came out as if he’d already admitted defeat. “And that was the most expensive thing on the menu.”

Leon picked up the mug of coffee, which had lost enough heat by now to make it barely drinkable, and held it in front of him. He would have to drop Joey off in an hour and so far this had not been the bonding experience he wanted. He’d been given two days to try and repair something that had been broken for far too long, something of a gift from his ex, but the whole time Joey had been in a bad mood. Maybe it was unrelated, but it still hurt given how hopeful he’d been about it. They were blood and Leon had been putting a lot of effort into their relationship for the last 48 hours to absolutely no avail.

Just as he brought the coffee to his lips, he was disturbed by something in the cup. Not a piece of food or foreign object floating on its surface, but a number of ripples, as if it had been disturbed. Leon looked up and around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary to him nor could he feel anything under his feet. Everyone else also seemed oblivious. Leon looked into the cup again, and there they were, small, unexplained waves moving across the dark liquid.

From somewhere in the back of the restaurant, a plate could be heard smashing. Leon was the first to snap his head quickly towards the source of the noise. His eyes were wide, alert, and a small amount of apprehension was visible in the contort of his face.

Now Joey looked up too, first with a childish smirk but then, after a couple more plates smashed, a confused look. There was clearly something happening behind the swinging door leading to the kitchen and Leon both wanted and didn’t want to find out what.

He stood up, the other dozen or so customers immediately looking in his direction, expecting him to be the hero he supposed. It might have happened, he might have gone to the back room to find out what was going on, but the next sound that came from the back now though wasn’t a smash; it was a yell. And then a scream.

The colour sunk out of his face. Suddenly, he felt an undeniably powerful surge of responsibility for his estranged kid who still sat gazing at the source of the commotion.

“Get up Joey.” He said, reaching forward to grab both his jacket and his sons, pushing the latter into Joey’s arms as he got up stiltedly from the chair. “We need to leave!”

Leon spun on his heel and took two steps to reach the front door, beating all the other customers to it and making sure to usher his frightened son through first. As he did so, he took a final look back, but he saw something that took his breath away.

The kitchen entrance had been pulled from its hinges and the thing that appeared from the other side was not of this world. It had a long head like that of a horse except much larger, but instead of a smooth shape the outline was jagged and dragon like. It was mostly in silhouette somehow, despite the cool glow of many overhead lights in the serving area, but two eyes were set in the top half of the dark shape. They glowed a deep, exotic red, like two pieces of coal that glowed with searing heat. It terrified him because he felt like they were staring directly into the very depths of him and for a second he couldn’t escape.

Joey’s hand locked into Leon’s suddenly and he felt his son pull him, though did not hear the words he shouted, and suddenly he was able to move again, to pull away from the strange creature only a few feet away. Leon ran.

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